People and Places in Our Community [Student Book]

Implementing the Structure and Style® Writing Method

Category: Writing
Author: Jill Pike
  • K-2
  • ELL
People and Places in Our Community [Student Book]
While writing compositions with stylistic techniques and six of IEW’s nine structural units, students will get to know the workers who keep a community running smoothly—from firefighters and police officers to road crews and rescue workers. The purchaser receives access to a downloadable Teacher’s Manual e-book that supplies sample key word outlines, comprehension questions, and thorough instructions for activities.

This Student Book contains assignments, instructions, engaging source texts, blank outlines, checklists, sample compositions, and clever vocabulary cards.

A free, downloadable teacher's manual gives you tips for creatively teaching each lesson. (Click here if you would prefer to purchase the teacher's manual as a spiral-bound book.)

These lessons are designed to be used by an instructor who has been through the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style video course.

Specifications: Student: 252 pages, Teacher: 239 pages

ISBN: 978-1-62341-275-3

Edition: First Edition, September 2017

Copyright Date: 2017


Student Book:

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No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author, except as provided by USA copyright law and the specific policy below:

Home use: The purchaser may copy this Student Book for use by multiple children within his or her immediate family.

Small group or co-op classes: Each participating student or family is required to purchase a Student Book.

Classroom teachers: A Student Book must be purchased for each participating student.

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